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Reporting Dashboards

EPMO Project Dashboards

The above dashboard represents public facing projects under the oversight of the Agency of Digital Services.

Assessing Status on Vermont EPMO Projects






No outstanding changes that have not been formally approved and logged.

Additions/deletions being acted on without formal sponsor approval.

Out of scope and unfunded work being done, remaining work ignored, previous warning not being acted on.


Tasks are starting and ending on time and 90% are on track to meet dates.

75%+ of tasks are starting and ending on time and 90% are on track to meet dates.

Less than 75% of tasks are starting and ending on time and are on track to meet dates.


Costs for tasks and phases are less than 110% of baseline costs for same.

Costs for tasks and phases are less than 125% of baseline costs for same.

Costs for tasks and phases are greater than 125% of baseline costs for same.


Resources are available and engaged according to the timeline.

Resources are constrained due to competing priorities resulting in minor scheduling delays.

Resources are not available creating a project stoppage.


All status categories are on track.

Status categories are experiencing delays or changes but the risks/issues are being mitigated.

Significant issues lead the team to believe the project is in jeopardy, the team is unable to remove blockers and leadership intervention is needed to resolve issues.